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Precious Gift
At 4 days old, my daughter was put on a ventilator requiring a lung transplant. Jimmy Jam hosted a fundraiser to help with expenses that piled during such a difficult time. At 4 months old she received the most precious gift of life!

Me and the Cat
I was one week away from giving my cat away so he wouldnt suffer from the heat but then Jimmy Jam helped me get a new AC system for my house, I was so thankful I cried. My cat was purring and as thankful as me.

A Second Chance
I needed work on my car and I applied for easypay they approved me for said repairs. Once it was time time, they refused to pay. Things started to spiral from there. I felt hopeless I thought I was going to lose my car. You all gave me hope back when you paid for my car to be fixed.
**Images and names in the testimonies have been modified to keep the recipients identity anonymous.
Jimmy Jam Community Outreach does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.
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